Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring Birthdays!

I'm always in trouble for not keeping up with my blog. So, here's an update. Last month, Evans celebrated his 10h birthday with friends at the bowling alley. It's hard to believe that we have a ten year old, who is almost as tall as me! This month (tomorrow the 24th of April) Wilson will celebrate his 8th birthday. Tonight we are celebrating with his three best buds, with a sleepover, pinata, pizza and ice cream sundaes. Tomorrow the grandparents will come to town for lunch, Wilson wants Mexican and Grandma Sharon will bring the Batman lego cake that Aunt Buffy is making! Wilson is catching up to Evans real fast - almost as tall as he is. Wilson told us the other day that he just wants to be a baby again, so that he can stay home with me and do stuff together! Sweet boy, growing up too fast!!!!
George will be celebrating his birthday next week, the 29th. All these spring birthdays makes for a busy momma.

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