Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Hey there! It's been a loooooong time since my last blog post. I am going to try to start the new year off with a bang and keep up with this blog site! Wish me luck :)!!
Let's see if I can catch you up on what's been going on with the Bairds - the boys are growing like weeds (imagine that). Evans is 10 1/2 and in the 5th grade. He participated in the spelling bee at school this year and made is to the 10th or 11th round - missed the word "visibility". Just too many "i's" in that word. We were very proud him and treated him to dinner of his choice, his chose mexican. He and two friends are now working on a science fair project, with the help of the parents. Evans will be crossing over to the Boy Scouts in a few short months - we are excited for him and the others who will be crossing over with him. What a fun time to be a boy! He and George are enjoying time together at the gun range, shooting targets. Evans is an excellent marksman - hitting lots of bullseyes. Watch out!
Wilson is 8 1/2 and in the 3rd grade. He is trying to keep up with Evans. He is participating in cub scouts and just earned his whittling chip badge, which means he can now carry a pocket knife, scary. LOL! Wilson is excelling at school also, learning his multiplication tables and is also a great speller. He too is enjoying time with George when they all are fly fishing in Arkansas on Dry Run Creek.
I have been traveling some. Our friends the Barkers moved to Charlotte this summer, so I have been able to go and visit with Jamie some. George and I celebrated our 12th anniversary this year in October. I love being married to this man, he is so loving and thoughtful. I also celebrated the BIG birthday in December, 40 years old! George SURPRISED me with a trip to New York City for 4 nights/3 days. We had the best time - shopping, eating, plays, shopping, and more shopping. He has essentially created a monster. I can't wait to return. I absolutely fell in LOVE with NYC.
Our Christmas this year was a little different. We usually travel home to Missouri for a few days, but the boys and I were sick the first week of Christmas break. Evans and I had the flu, plus he had strep throat. Wilson's asthma started acting up, so that meant breathing treatments 3 times a day. Luckily George didn't sick, so he played nurse, doctor, cook, etc. What a trooper he was. We spent Christmas in Memphis - resting, watching lots of movies, napping, reading, playing games. While we missed our family we had a great time just the four of us (sick and all).
Our new years eve was low key, Wilson and I were asleep by 10. Kind of sad, huh? Sad to say that the boys are back at school today. It's very quite in the house and I am lonely without them around.
Hope this blog post finds you doing well. Happy New Year!

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